Source code for paramz.examples.ridge_regression

Created on 16 Oct 2015

@author: Max Zwiessele
import numpy as np
from ..model import Model
from ..core.observable_array import ObsAr
from ..param import Param
from ..caching import Cacher
from ..parameterized import Parameterized

[docs]class RidgeRegression(Model): ''' Ridge regression with regularization. For any regularization to work we to gradient based optimization. ''' def __init__(self, X, Y, regularizer=None, basis=None, name='ridge_regression'): ''' :param array-like X: the inputs X of the regression problem :param array-like Y: the outputs Y :param :py:class:`paramz.examples.ridge_regression.Regularizer` regularizer: the regularizer to use :param str name: the name of this regression object ''' super(RidgeRegression, self).__init__(name=name) assert X.ndim == 2, 'inputs need to be at least a column vector' assert Y.ndim == 2, 'inputs need to be at least a column vector' self.X = ObsAr(X) self.Y = ObsAr(Y) if basis is None: basis = Polynomial(1) self.basis = basis if regularizer is None: regularizer = Ridge(1) self.regularizer = regularizer self.regularizer.init(basis, X.shape[1]) self.link_parameters(self.regularizer, self.basis) @property def weights(self): return self.regularizer.weights @property def degree(self): return @property def _phi(self): return self.basis._basis
[docs] def phi(self, Xpred, degrees=None): """ Compute the design matrix for this model using the degrees given by the index array in degrees :param array-like Xpred: inputs to compute the design matrix for :param array-like degrees: array of degrees to use [default=range(] :returns array-like phi: The design matrix [degree x #samples x #dimensions] """ assert Xpred.shape[1] == self.X.shape[1], "Need to predict with same shape as training data." if degrees is None: degrees = range( tmp_phi = np.empty((len(degrees), Xpred.shape[0], Xpred.shape[1])) for i, w in enumerate(degrees): # Objective function tmpX = self._phi(Xpred, w) tmp_phi[i] = tmpX * self.weights[[w], :] return tmp_phi
[docs] def parameters_changed(self): tmp_outer = 0. for i in range( # Objective function tmp_X = self._phi(self.X, i) target_f =[[i], :].T) tmp_outer += target_f tmp_outer = (self.Y-tmp_outer) for i in range( tmp_X = self._phi(self.X, i) # gradient: # Note, that we updated the weights gradients # in the basis first. So here we update # and add in the gradient for the bound. self.weights.gradient[i] -= 2*(tmp_outer*tmp_X).sum(0) self._obj = (((tmp_outer)**2).sum() + self.regularizer.error.sum())
[docs] def objective_function(self): return self._obj
[docs] def predict(self, Xnew): tmp_outer = 0. for i in range( # Objective function tmp_X = self._phi(Xnew, i) tmp_outer +=[[i], :].T) return tmp_outer
[docs]class Basis(Parameterized): def __init__(self, degree, name='basis'): """ Basis class for computing the design matrix phi(X). The weights are held in the regularizer, so that this only represents the design matrix. """ super(Basis, self).__init__(name=name) = degree # One way of setting up the caching is by the following, the # other is by the decorator. self._basis = Cacher(self.basis,, [], []) # If we do not set up the caching ourself, using the decorator, we # cannot set the limit of the cacher easily to the degree+1. # It could be done on runtime, by inspecting self.cache and setting # the limit of the right cacher, but that is more complex then necessary
[docs] def basis(self, X, i): """ Return the ith basis dimension. In the polynomial case, this is X**index. You can write your own basis function here, inheriting from this class and the gradients will still check. Note: i will be zero for the first degree. This means we have also a bias in the model, which makes the problem of having an explicit bias obsolete. """ raise NotImplementedError('Implement the basis you want to optimize over.')
[docs]class Polynomial(Basis): def __init__(self, degree, name='polynomial'): super(Polynomial, self).__init__(degree, name)
[docs] def basis(self, X, i): return X**i
[docs]class Regularizer(Parameterized): def __init__(self, lambda_, name='regularizer'): super(Regularizer, self).__init__(name=name) self.lambda_ = lambda_ self._initialized = False
[docs] def init(self, basis, input_dim): if self._initialized: raise RuntimeError("already initialized, please use new object.") weights = np.ones(( + 1, input_dim))*np.arange([:,None] for i in range( weights[[i]] /= basis.basis(weights[[i]], i) if not isinstance(weights, Param): if weights.ndim == 1: weights = weights[:,None] weights = Param('weights', weights) else: assert weights.ndim == 2, 'weights needs to be at least a column vector' self.weights = weights self.link_parameter(weights) self._initialized = True self.update_error()
[docs] def parameters_changed(self): if self._initialized: self.update_error()
[docs] def update_error(self): raise NotImplementedError('Set the error `error` and gradient of weights in here')
[docs]class Lasso(Regularizer): def __init__(self, lambda_, name='Lasso'): super(Lasso, self).__init__(lambda_, name)
[docs] def update_error(self): self.error = self.lambda_*np.sum(np.abs(self.weights), 1) self.weights.gradient[:] = self.lambda_*np.sign(self.weights)
[docs]class Ridge(Regularizer): def __init__(self, lambda_, name='Ridge'): super(Ridge, self).__init__(lambda_, name)
[docs] def update_error(self): self.error = self.lambda_*np.sum(self.weights**2, 1) self.weights.gradient[:] = self.lambda_*2*self.weights